Please do the needful when you are on this blog ! Today, I will give 2 sets only !Kindly take note. thanks.I have published the Singapore 2009
Toto stats for your analysis near the bottom of my blog. Within this
spreadsheet, I will be adding best single digit and best pairing numbers prior to the draw.I am
collaborating with TOTO Gurus and hope with partnership we can have better results and hit Jackpot one day.
If you have good pairing or triple numbers for the draw itself, kindly let me know and we can work together to strike our Toto dreams.Let's hope if somebody can strike Toto and do a big donation to help Cyclone
Myanmar and
Sichuan Earth Quake disaster ! Hope my numbers can help everyone and use my numbers in any way you like to strike your dream. Good Luck
! Kindly support our Sponsors.Red - My Sys 8 Set!Green - My best System 7 set
3 7 17 26 36 41 42 446 15 16 18 39 41 44Best single digit:
Best paring numbers
: 26 36
You can contact 4DTalent via Skype : toto4dtalent or Gmail : to discuss on TOTO or 4D. I am normally online at night.Your decision to mix and match plus your own numbers to buy roll, system 7 or ordinary. Good Day and Good luck to all !From now on, I will put
Toto numbers on the LED
scroller for
Toto, hope the
scrolling bring us better luck and open the same ! Good Luck !
Good Luck !